Absolutely without a doubt, that is what this has been and will continue to be..
On February 6th, 2006, 3 years and 8 months ago, I started my journey from an overweight, scared that I may die an early death. yet confident person, to one that is now completely comfortable in his own skin, and God willing will live a long and prosperous life both Mentally and Physically...and On October 25th, 2009, I will hit a major milestone on this continuing journey. I will be runnning the Marine Corps Marathon, my 2nd Marathon...but my first with a goal other than finishing, in mind.."To break the 4 hour barrier.."
So why all the deepness for todays Blog..Well, today I completed my last Long run of the training process, and September was the last time I blogged...Have I really been that busy...Yes I have, but for the first time in my life, I stayed on my plans, physically...
So as I was saying today I ran my last distance run before the race next Sunday..It was only an 8 miler..Only an 8 miler, Geez, back when I was training for my 1st marathon even 8 seemed long...Not anymore, and I love that feeling...Finished the run in just under 1 hour and 10 minutes..and felt really good afterwards...My right ankle felt a little weak, however that is ok..becaue I just completed my training plan and got through it with little to no significant injuries...KNOCK ON WOOD...I still have 3 smaller runs this week...
Grand Total for all of my miles since the training began on July 13th....434 miles...Holy S#$%..
There are so many people that have been involved since Day 1.....
My Wife...Vanessa has been my rock throughout all of this...She puts up with alot of shit from me..I cannot be charming all of the time:) She is flexible when I need to run and she always knows what to say, even if it pisses me off to motivate me just a little more...
My Coach...Little Brother Tim...Man this guys is amazing...2 Ironmans down and he is still going...Him and his wife Lori are having their first kid in December, a boy, and I can hardly wait...Why? Because then we can have something else in common...Early in the training process, I gave him a call and said "Tim, I need help with my eating" From then on, he has helped me, supported me, and just listened...and I love him for that...He will be in DC with me this weekend, and I hope I make him half as proud as he has made me...
Co-Workers and Friends: Both in Japan and in Washington...I fully believe that the reason people do not succeed in changing their lifestyles is because they do not get those around them involved..Tell everyone...Ask everyone for help..Shoot...my co-workers and friends would not let me look at a doughnut, let alone eat it..and they would heep praise and compliments on me when I started to drop the pounds...We all need that...IF you say you do not, YOU ARE LYING...We all need a compliment here and there...It motivates us...Be honest, when you start dropping the pounds, and someone says to you, WOW you really look good today...Do you frown and start crying because you hate it...Hell to the no....You smile, say thank you, and in your head say Hell yes I do...
People I do not even know on the street that looked at me funny: I now realize that I was a big man..Really I did not know it when I was...Seriously I did not...and thats scary...I look back at pictures now and am embarrased...Was I athletic..yeah, could I do my job...yes? Did I look like I may have a heart attack when I did do these things...YES I DID...One of my good buddies in Japan once said to Vanessa as he was sitting on the bench during a B-Ball game and I was on the court..."Is Chris supposed to be that color?" Yikes...and yet it took another year before I started to do something about it..
My Grandpa Friedl(who passed a few years ago)-Who I often think about on my long runs, because, though I loved him so much, he used to give me the most crap about my weight..I know he can see me now and is proud of me..but it would feel really good to say.Ha look at me now...I am expecting some special look downs from Heaven Grandpa, and one of your special prayers like at Christmas next week as I get to the Starting line...
and of course my Parents: My work ethic comes from them and they always let me TRY new things..Because of that, I am still trying new things...
So here we are 1 week from the start of another point along this journey...Everyday has new challenges, new barriers to be broken and new temptations on the horizon...Do I eat that candy bar, do I drink that soda....or do I stay on task....I try to stay on task...
Below are some pictures from this continuing Journey...Thank you to all of you who have told me that I inspire you through my work and breakthroughs...You are also my inspiration...

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