Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Show Me What I am Looking for....

Yes it has really been since the Seattle Half-Marathon where I set a Personal Best with a 1:53 time.  When was that..oh yeah back in November...I have wanted so many times to get on here and update what has been happening and what has not been happening over the last two months. 

Do not worry , I have not fallen off the wagon of working out and just became harder to do so...The weather this past 2 months has been down right brutal...Granted it hasn't been anything compared to the Midwest and my Iowa roots, but the rain has not been that great, and unlike the rain during my preparation for the Marine Corps Marathon in October, this is cold rain, and trut be told, I cannot be sick right now..Too much work to do...Yep I said it...I have had a lot of work going on. 

So as I was saying December came and went...I got 2nd place in our annual neighborhood house lighting contest....@##$  not that I am competitive...and then the big news of the month for me anyways....I became an Uncle to Coleton Miles Kasparek...Let me explain...Over the last two years as I have transformed my life, taken up running , and overall just becam healthier, there has been one person that has been more supportive than most(excluded of course are Vanessa, Camden and Emma)...This person is my little brother Tim...This guy is a World Class Athlete...Sure I brag, thats what big brothers do...Don't get me started bragging about my other brother and his art...but for now this is about becoming an Uncle...Tim has competed in 2 Ironmans, countles others tri's a few marathons, half marathons etc...and a year or so ago, he became a coach to me and whether it was guilt or something else he came and supported me at the Marine Corps Marathon in DC...

All of you that compete in anything, and I mean anything can relate to the feeling of the day of competition, the emotions, the gut feeling, the feeling that you want people around yet you do not want anyone to say a word, till of course you are ready...and Tim was ready...He said the right things, asked the right questions and was there to push me across the bridge in DC at mile 21 even though he about knocked me on my ass and he was there to stand with me as I sat collapsed on the floor of a DC Train Station as my exhaustion took over...(Remember that Bro, I will never forget it)...

and another day I will never forget is December 17th when I received the call while sitting in Silver City Brewery with co-workers in the middle of a coversation...I looked down and saw that it was see at this point Coaches wife was still hours away from delivering my nephew(so I thought)...Being the concerned big brother...I asked if everything was ok....on the other end "Congratulations Uncle"  I about lost it...Now my coach/my brother/one of my heroes and I had another thing in common....We were DADS....and I love it....and have loved every phone conversation we have had since Coleton was born...It is funny to be on this side of things...but I love it...

Another big thing that happened was on January 11th.....Emma(my oldest), turned 5....What?  Really?  5!!!  It seems like just yesterday......100pounds ago, that I was holding this liitle girl and taking her home...Now she is 5, and I can say that she along with her brother and Mom have been so supportive in this journey...

So here we are 2010....What does the year hold for me...Well one of the coolest things ever will happen for me in a few weeks, when I facilitate a Running Course/Info./Tutorial/Inspirational Story during the Annual Navy Youth Conference in Dallas....Over 5 years ago I wrote some trainings for the Navy....I used humor above all, because I was uncomfortable in my own body in front of others...I could inspire, make people feel good about themselves(with work and their achievements), but I was a mess on the outside...I would turn red, sweat my ass off, and make all laugh when I was out of breath...But now here I sit getting ready to inspire people to get healthy, run, eat right, and take care of themselves...I am so PUMPED.....

and the real funny things is, I am staying an extra day in Dallas...not to party, like the old Chris would have, but to actually run a Half-Marathon...Who'd a thunk it....Goal Time...1:52....Yes another PB....

I have also updated my runs on the blog, the ones that I am planning to do...I am also planning on running in a.....wait for it....a Bare Buns Run in the buff....Why?  Because I can, and I feel comfortable doing it....

So I end this overdue blog post with a few things...

1:  The Title of this post was "Show me what I am looking for", my new favorite song by Carolina Liar...When you look up the lyrics, for me it is perfect for the person that has struggled with food, weight and working out...
2:  Loving Running books....Have read two great ones in the last few weeks and am deep into my third..."The Runner's Rule Book: Everything a runner needs to know and then some" by Mark Remy "MY Life on the Run: The Wit, Wisdom and the Insights of a Road Racing Icon" by Bart Yasso and "Running with the Buffaloes" by Chris Lear....

and in conclusion...we all have to make the decision as individuals to become who we want to be....but it never hurts to have a supportive and loving cast of characters around you...

Oh....and below are the new kicks that will hopefully take me to where I want to go int least for the first 300 miles.....God Bless...

                                         January 11th, 2005

January 11th, 2010
Is Emma really 5?  Great job Vanessa...We've done alright...

How many marathons will these prepare me for?  4? 5?


  1. wow, what an extremely nice and humbling post. i often wonder if i've been able to give you the support you deserve after all the support you've shown me in my endeavors and it's nice to know that you've been able to find SOMETHING in the things that i tell you! btw: black shoes might make you LOOK slower!?!?! :)

  2. Well done.
    You look great.
    I'm proud of you.

    Have at it.
