Monday, May 17, 2010

Navy Seal? Olympic Marathoner? or just a few days in San Diego?

Well its been 2 weeks since the Marathon in Eugene and 6 weeks till my next Marathon...The Seattle Rock n Roll....and it is always nice when you get the opportunity to train in another city, a beautiful warm city no less, and that is exactly what I got to do this week.  Wednesday I headed down to San Diego for 3 days for work, and I loved it.

Wednesday evening we headed out for a bite to eat at one of the local establishments...The only reason I even talk about this is because my ego got boosted a little...The place we went is a local Navy Seal establishment...and I was asked by one which unit I was in...What??  Even though I stated I wasn't, it felt pretty good to be thought of, even for a second as one...Instead of being mistaken as an eating champion, I am now being mistaken for some of the fittest specimens in the world.

So most of my time was spent on Coronado Island, which is absolutely amazing...On Thursday after our work functions were finished I headed out for a 7 mile training run...My route took me along the beach and the ocean...There are definitely things that I saw on this run that I do not see on my runs here in Seattle...Topless Sunbather and Woman with no swimsuit bottom or at least a thong top the list...Also on the run I was able to see the Navy Seal Training site which sits on the beach...I cannot help but admire as I run by...After the run I headed out for the worst 9 holes of golf in my life...No seriously, the worst...It was horrible...Granted it had been two years since I swung the clubs and we did not take any shots on the range, but OMG...This was horrible...If someone would have told me three years ago that I would be a better runner than golfer, I would have laughed in their face...After golfing we headed out for some authentic Mexican Cuisine...It was I stuffed down the amazing Enchiladas, beans and rice, I thought a head to my 6 milers in the morning...I would be fine....wouldn't I.

So 6:30 a.m. the next morning I head out on that 6 mile run....It was a great run...Same great beach, same great scenery...and thank goodness it was a 6 miler and not a 7 miler...The authentic cuisine would have done me in...TMI.....yeah maybe....

At the end of the trip we headed back to the San Diego Airport and I was wearing my race day shoes...
I love these things...I have over the last few months received many comments on them, for the most part all compliments, but it was the airport security who made me feel the proudest...He thought I was an olympic marathoner....Just like the assumption that I was a Seal, this was a resounding no as well, but it still made me feel pretty I got educate the guard to the real reason that the marathon is 26.2....instead of 26 which was the original distance ran by Pheidippides...

Which leads me to the conclusion of this posting, and something that those that are near by and those family and friends that track this blog and Facebook...I love the doors that running opens...Whether it is a door into a conversation or a door that allows you to break the ice....Running can be that Door....and I love it...Probably so much so, as it annoys some at times...Sorry, I cannot help it...I love talking about it, and anything that I can do to turn someone else onto it or inspire someone through it....I am game....I will open as many doors as I can...

Till next time, find that something for you that allows doors to open...


  1. Sweet kicks! It's awesome hearing about your running adventures! I'll be doing my first half on June 6th--Hisbiscus Half-Marathon in Honolulu!!!

  2. Good Luck will do great....
