Saturday, March 20, 2010

That's more like it....

It has been a really tough past few has been intense and their have been some things close to home that combined with work have had my mind preoccupied.  So when I left the house this morning on my 2nd 20 miler of this training plan,I was not that confident to how my body, but more specifically my mind was going to react.  Was I going to be able to focus?  Or was my mind and body going to lose, like it had 3 weeks ago during my first 20 miler, when I was only able to do 14.5 miles.  

Well I am happy to report that it went very well.  I spent much of my energy focusing on my hydration and nutrition, and this paid huge dividends.  I also tried out a pair of the compression socks...Yep, those, the ones that go up right below the knee.  Vanessa of course thinks they look dorky, but I like them and whether they really work or not, my mind thinks they did.

So a little over a month remains in this training plan....I am starting to get a little nervous as I anticipate my 2nd real attempt at a sub 4 hour marathon...This will be my 3rd overall...So what is it they say?  Third time is a charm.

Hope everyone has a great week..

Friday, March 5, 2010

Crazy?? Addicted?? or Both.....

Well the calendar for 2010 is pretty much secured...Other than a few small races here and there I have officially signed up for 3 Marathons between now and October, with another one in November oe December more than likely...

Sure it may seem crazy, but I look at it more as a test.  A test of my physical endurance, and my mental endurance.  Will my body withstand this beating?  I really do not know.. Will I want to quit along the way...Hell yeah I will...The last few days, I have found myself struggling through a few miles of my daily runs...but I WILL PERSEVERE....

Today was a 7 miler...yet at times it felt like a 20 miler...but then I would find my groove and everything would feel great.  The hardest thing for me right now is slowing down..Currently I am ahead of schedule for my timing...As many of you know there is one goal in mind for May 2nd...TOO BREAK the 4 hour mark...Anything more than that will be a failure for me...barring injury of course...So I need to be careful...

Some of you may or may not be aware that my little brother Tim, yes I have mentioned him throughout the last year on this blog, has his own blog...His latest post was absolutely hilarious, and I recommend clicking on my links to the left to see it...He is under the Triathlon Tim link...Enjoy.

I am very thankful that this week is a light week for the miles....only 27 miles total including gthe long run which is only 7 this week...Then we jump up again next week....

More factual then inspirational this post.....