So I went out on a 6 miler tonight and it dawned on me that I needed to be smarter with my running...Well maybe smarter is not the word...maybe wiser...I was lucky, fortunate, that I was able to recover so quickly from my knee infection. So in saying that, I have decided that instead of taking the risk and hurting myself and running the full marathon at the end of June, I will instead run the half-marathon. I feel that this will allow my body to continue to recover and not put it through the grueling longer runs, at least for now.
So all of you that know me well, know that I can never just do something, there has to be something more. So the something more for this race will be breaking my PR for the half and finishing under 2 hours. This will be tough, but I AM GOING TO DO IT!!!!
I know this decision is going to make my Mom happy, and in reality I think I am finally starting to listen to her, my dad and my brother...
As I push forward over the next two months, I cannot wait till June 27th when I cross the finish line in under 2 hours...
It has dawned on me recently that I do many of the things I do, because I want to set and example for my children....I want them to be able to look at their dad when they get older and say WOW, look what our Dad did...and then hopefully it will inspire them to set their own goals...
Finally, I could not possibly accomplish what I do or will without the support of a loving wife...I love her more than she will ever know....Thanks Babe...
I AM grateful that you are doing the half-marathon instead of the marathon. I know it can be difficult to switch gears like you have. I think the challenge you have will be just as thrilling for you. Love You, Mom