So Saturday was an incredible day both weather wise and activity wise...We started the day with the Annual Bremerton Armed Forces Day Parade. It is really amazing and awe-inspiring living in a community that has such admiration for our Armed Forces. Granted I have worked for the Armed Forces for the last 10+ years, however not all communities have the same reactions. Seeing survivors of Pearl Harbor and WWII come down our streets is humbling and rewarding...You cannot help but stand and pay your respect and say Thank you..
The weather on the other hand...ouch..literally..I again, havenot learned the simple pleasures of SUNBLOCK...Sure Vanessa asked if I wanted some...Sure I knew the sun was beating down on me...and once again I can say for the 34th straight summer.."I was building my base burn" which Vanessa so compassionately responded...."Ok Izzie" to which I answered "Hello Grandpa K, come on in...." You who watch Grey's will understand the sarcasm...If not...Oh well...
After the Parade, we headed home for a few hours of rest and relaxation before heading out to Seattle for a B-day party...We are looking forward to pics, so we will update the blog on that at a later time.
After the party we headed to the Red Sox v.s. Mariners game. This is our 2nd Mariner Season since arriving to the NW, and of course we always try to get in at least 1 Sox game when they come out here. Last year I was fortunate enough to get two games in, one of which I remember...This year, the Sox are only coming out once so our choices were limited. Yesterday we met up with our friends the Holloways for a Sox victory...It was Camden's 2nd MLB Game...Amazing, he has been to more games at 2 then I had been to by the time I was 21...This was Emma's 1st MLB Game.. She had been to a Japanese Professional Baseball Game, but never a MLB Game.
After the game we headed home, which can be brutal...Its about an hour and a half drive from Seattle back home...Why do I tell you this part..Because in the tradition of me attending the Red Sox games here in has become routine that after every Sox game that I drive home from, I get PULLED OVER....yep, by the Cops...Fortunately he let me off...Says I was going fast and weaving...Asked me if I had been drinking..."Nope"..wanted to say.."Not since December"...Vanessa thinks we got off because when he flashed his light in the backseat he saw two kids fast asleep...I think so too...Enjoy the Pics...
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