Gotta say that I am pretty happy with the running I did on vacation...Ran almost everyday, and took in some great scenery...even if it was just corn and rolling hills...Running through my hometown brought back many childhood memories...
Then yesterday we arrived back in Washington...and now it is go time...Go time in the sense that I am now full in to the Marathon Training for the Marine Corps Marathon...Not only am I full in, I have enlisted the help of a coach...One that many of you are familiar with...My little brother Tim...The IronMan that he is has agreed to lend me his support and expertise...more for my eating...but support that I need none the less...
Today started that plan....I have till October 25..the day of the race to try and lose 40 pounds...or try to get down to 200 or less pounds..The funny thing is, I have no idea how much I weigh right now...It could be anywhere between 230 and 240...My lowest was right before we left Japan when I was at 220 for the first time since Senior year of HS...and not knowing usually would bother the living shit out of me...right doesn't..which in itself is a huge victory...
My other motivation for the race and one that I will be asking all of your support shortly on is a charity that I have decided to run for...I have decided to run for "Team Hole in the Wall" This is the charity that Paul Newman started that sends children with Serious Illnesses to Camps around the world...I am required to raise $1500.00 dollars...My goal is $5000.00....You can link to my Team Hole in the Wall Web Page and donate via the following link(also listed in my favorites to the left)...or send a check directly to me which I will then deposit into the program...I have worked with children my whole life...and this gives me that much more incentive during my run....
(Once on the site, click on the Support Chris Link located above the picture of hands)
So there it is...the offical let's get serious...Below are some pics from the last race as well as vacation...Enjoy and thank you ahead of time for all of the suppor that you will provide me...You always do....
Good post Chris, like always! You and I are on the same wave length. I started Body for Life on Monday. I've been really watching my eating. Protein and Carb every 3 hours. And 1 free day a week. This makes it doable for me. Have you ever read Body for Life? You should get a copy. Its by Bill Phillips. Its very motivating, not that your not motivated. But its great to read. I highly recommend it. Anyway, good luck and keep up the good work. Love You, Mom