Saturday, November 9, 2013

Hodge Podge Saturday.....

So sports just seems to get wackier and crazier by the day.  Sports reporters and sports news agencies all looking to BREAK the story seem to dig for anything and everything.  Shoot, who am I kidding, this is not just sports reporting, rather reporting in general these days.

Case in point, the entire Ingognito and Martin case in Miami.  Does anyone outside of the team know what is happening...nope, but you would think so.  There are way too many inconsistencies in everyones stories to even begin to know.  What I hate, and could add to my list previously in the week, is how ALL of us, including myself latch on only to the side of the story that interests us.  We will look for any news source, article, picture that provides us with our side of the story and too many times fail to look for the facts.  Example in this story...has anyone looked and seen if the transcripts of the phone calls included the entire conversations?  I can tell you they have not.

Best banter I have heard so far about this situation was via Mike and Mike's Podcast from the 7th....granted the 8th may even be better, but have not a chance to listen to it yet...

Now to the fun side of sports...

1) College Basketball Season has started.....and the truth is we really do not know think the College Football Polling can be crazy...It has nothing on the Basketball poll which will chenge 6,432.433 times before March Madness gets here....What we do know, and as Joey from friends used to say....Kansas..GOOD....Duke...Good....Kentucky....Good....Michigan State...Good....Louisville....Good....and the best thing for this HOMER...Iowa will eventually be ranked this season....

See as many games as you can of any Freshman in College Basketball with just a hint of talent...It may be the only season you ever see them play a meaningful game again....because it will be 1 and done for most of them before they go for the dollars in the NBA....The top ones of course will go to the teams with the worst NBA records, and they may someday get a chance to play for a contender, but more than likely not....

Another thing you just learned about my sports interests....College Basketball over NBA Basketball anyday.

2)College and Pick-ems for this weekend for the Top 25 and Iowa...

Iowa over Purdue(HOMER-VILLE, all the way)
Missouri over Kansas
FSU over Wake
Auburn over TN in TN
Texas Tech over KSU
Mississippi St will fall to A&M
Wisconsin over BYU
ASU will go to Utah and do what Stanford still wonders how they didn't.
Oklahoma State over Kansas
Miami over Virginia Tech
Central Florida over Houston
BAMA big over LSU
Notre Dame over Pitt
Fresno State over Wyoming

Happy Saturday and GO HAWKS!!!!

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