Monday, June 1, 2009

Brutal with a CAPITAL B....

Well first off I have to say it has been a few weeks since my last blog...Have not really had that much to blog about....We have been extremely busy with Camping, Work, etc. Running has been going pretty well as I slowly try to get to that comfy zone where I was before...Definitely finding it harder lately to get out there as well as watch what I eat...So I am trying to kick myself back into it...Today may have been the kick in the ass I needed...

At about 3 p.m. I set out for a 10 miler...a distance that should take me less than an hour and a half...Today it took me almost two full hours...not two full hours to run but two hours to keep myself in shape to run...

When I was in Japan running, I routinely ran in 80-90 degree heat....stayed hydrated etc. In the NW we very rarely ever even get hot and hot here is different...The temp may be 80 and that feels hot, since we are almost always at 50-60, so it seems.

So today it was "hot" and at mile 4 I had already gone through my fuel belt and was dragging ass. Combine that with my crappy lunch and snacking...At the 6.25 mark I finally got to a convenience station and filled up with G2, Water and more water...Combined I drank over 64 ounces and then started up again...Lets just say I dragged ass for the last 4....Thankfully my legs felt was more my hydration, and the 64 ounces that were now sitting in my gut....

So here I am about 15 minutes after the run, still cooling down, and feeling slowly better....
Lessons learned...Stay hydrated, eat right and do not get cocky....

One month till the half and the goal of breaking my personal best....After today I have never wanted it more and know that I need to be prepared and smart to do so....


  1. Glad to see that you ARE still blogging!! Stay smart brother. Even I knew that the Pacific Northwest was supposed to be ridiculously hot this weekend. Keep going. One month left, so it's time to start making some hay with your weekly runs!

  2. Way to go Chris! Stay with it......
