Elite athletes get frustrated when they are injured...My frustration runs deeper...Why? After you have lost 60+ pounds your biggest fear is gaining it back. When you are forced to rest an injury that fear becomes more real...So for the last week I have not been able to do any sort of working out...I have Bursitis of the left knee and it has been killing me...Drugs, Drugs and more Drugs, as I try to get the swelling down and the pain to go away. It is a pretty safe bet right now that I will not be able to run my half-marathon in Vancouver in two weeks...We'll see, but the odds are not looking good...Wednesday I had a syringe of fluid taken off of the knee...Ouch...So I ask you all to send a prayer or two my way, and I truly appreciate all fo the well wishes that people have sent...I used to hate running, now I hate not being able to do it....Enjoy th
e pics....