First is was a BLOG for a FAT MAN that lost weight, then it was to write about Sports, but now it is changing to something completely different....Leadership, Wisdom, Guidance, Recreation, Storytelling, Coaching and hopefully Laughter in VARIOUS and DIVERSE ways....but most of all a place to SHARE......
Monday, November 30, 2009
What a difference 2 years makes...
Monday, October 26, 2009
DC Marathon 26.2 List

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Quite a Journey....

Sunday, September 20, 2009
3 Weeks and a GOAL MET....

Sunday, August 23, 2009
Thank you Mr. Miyagi
Another really cool thing that happened on this mornings run was seeing a Bald Eagle fly up and land about 40 feet in front of me...Tried to get my cell phone out and take a pic...It just was too quick...
In conclusion I have included a few pics...turn away if you do not want to see me without my shirt on...I will understand...Just wanted folks to see the progression of my weight loss..Have also included a pic from 2+ years ago when I started this endeavor...It has been tough and there have been ups and downs...but I am happy to report today that I weighed in at 209....a pound lighter than my Senior Year of HS Football...Have a great week everyone, and for those that are fighting the battle..keep fighting on...as Mr. Esposito say's "You're the Best"
Pushing 300 Pounds...Yikes...
209 Pounds...and feeling great..
One of my 3 biggest fans..."Daddy your belly is going away"
Friday, August 21, 2009
Hell Yeah that Felt Good....
Then came tonights run...With a time of 1:00:02 I was amazed..I have never run that distance that fast...Sure to you speed demons out there 8:50 min miles may not seem like much...but to this guy...I am ECSTATIC...
Baby Brother was right...as the weight drops the speed will pick up, the endurance will get better, and I will feel like a NEW MAN!!!!
YES I DO!!!!
Just took a look back at my scrapbooks...Senior Year Football..Media Guide...I weighed 210...I weighed in tonight...because I wanted to...at 213.....For all of you like myself, that have doubted themselves...Find the courage to start, because when you do, you will not be able to describe the joy you feel to anybody...Believe me..I have tried...
Finally please do not forget that for the Marine Corps Marathon, I am running for Team Hole in the Wall...you can click on the following link and donate right online...Once clicking on the link, click on the Support Chris Section and the rest is pretty self explanatory...Thank you..
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Operation Purple Camp and Husky Picture Day
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Possibly the Best Morning Ever....
When the alarm went off at 5 a.m., I won't lie it was hard to get up...The temp outside was a ton cooler then it has been so your mind starts playing tricks with you..Am I going to be warm enough at the begining of the run? Do I have everything I need? Will I have enough water? to name a few...
So after going through my usual routine, I hit the road at 5:30 a.m. My route was great...no traffic, hmmm, wonder why...Oh yeah its 5:30 in the morning...The first 4.25 miles were awesome...they are a part of my usual route, so I know it like the back of my hand...The next 3 miles were the brutal ones...Straight up hill..Not a quick hill...Nope a pain in the ass long one...It felt good, but you cannot help but look up and say "am I there yet".
After the big hill it was pretty easy from there...Sure you fight the mental fatigue, but everything was flowing very nicely...At mile 9 I entered the base and started running towards one of my School-Age Programs...Why? Because I was starting to run a little low on water and did not want to short myself on the last 4 hours...After refueling at the center, I had 2 more miles to go....
I then left the base at mile 12...2 more to go...Feeling really good...but definitely getting fatigued..A couple of small hill climbs later and I was to the end of my 14 mile adventure...The time I was supposed to do was 10:21 miles...I instead averaged 10:14...A few months ago this would have discouraged me...Now...not at all..I am sticking to my training program and this is what it said to do...Plus take out the mother #$%^&* Hill and who knows..
So after my long run, I did my usual...strip down and weigh in for the week...I was very excited about this...Last week I had weighed in at 234 after 9+ days on the new "Body for Life" nutrition plan...The only problem with that was I had no idea what I started at....Which is no big deal...I guestimate that I started somewhere between 240 and 250....I did start right after a vacation...
So I stepped on the scale, held my breath(this absolutely does nothing), and looked down as the electronic scale as it calculated how much I weighed...Come on, Come on....and then it happened...224...HOLY @#$%%....I stepped on and off the scale three more times just to make sure it was right...Even had Vanessa look at it...even though it was probably hard to do, considering she was probably distracted by her naked husband(yes, I put that visual in your head)....224, I have not been this low since before we left Japan and I am only 5 pounds away from being the lowest I have been since...Wait for it....Senior Year in HS....
So how could my day possibly get any better....Well we then went to Church...Nope that did not make my day better(no offense), but rather it was the next stop on the Kasparek Morning Plan that did the deed...OLD NAVY....We walked in, only because they were having a 30% Sale and I picked out some shirts....DAMN, the one I really liked was not available in a XL....So I asked the Old Navy worker Kristen if they had another...She said they did, but not sure where I would find it....Thanks...She then stated that they run big and I may want to try a Large....Right...a Large...are you kidding me...I am not sure I even wore a Large in HS...Then I thought what the hell...we will try it out....Went to the fitting room and tried it on.....
WOW...It actually fit...and it looked really good...To make sure that I was not hallucinating I walked into the main store and asked Vanessa and her mom(Yep...Linda is out visiting...)..They said it looked really good...I then stated I know, and it is a LARGE....
So now I had to change the sizes of the other shirts I had picked out....Who knew...Sure not me...Then we went to pay...There was Kristen at the register...She asked if it fit alright and I said..yeah suprisingly...She then made my day even better...."Well I was surprised that you needed an XL, you do not look like an XL person" IF Vanessa was not there I think I would have kissed her....
So now we are home and I have a smile from ear to ear...You that have either struggled with weight or are struggling with weight know these feelings...You know how good it feels to have a morning like this...Well guess what....if you are struggling, hopefully this will serve as some sort of inspiration that WE ALL CAN DO THIS!!!!!
Have a great day....PS: Thank you COACH TIM....
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Whale of a Run....
Friday, July 24, 2009
8 Days and Counting...
Here we are 8 days later and going strong...Granted it has been tough, but I am already seeing results and feeling great...Little Brother Tim had told me that there would be tests along the way...and ohhh was he right..The "Body for Life" lifestyle...I call it a lifestyle because it is something I want to do on a permanent basis not just for a "diet"....started last Thursday...I had sat with Tim on the internet going over my goals and immediately upon hanging up I started my plan in place...
3 meals a day + 3 supplemental meal shakes a day + marathon plan = SUCCESS...
1st Test came on Saturday night...Emma and I had spent the day in Seattle watching our first MLS game...it was awesome...We brought our lunches and my shake mix and had a wonderful time...Upon our return to Bremerton we went to our friends the Warthens house for Supper...Low and Behold the first test...Tony's Pizza...Not just any Tony's pizza, but Meat and Spice...For all that have come out and enjoyed it and those yet to do so...This stuff is the shiznit...guess what...its not in my plan...so instead i enjoyed a wheat tortilla w/ lettuce and ham...mmmmmmmm.....
2nd Test came on Sunday afternoon...we made the jaunt down to Olympia to celebrate our friend Olive's 2nd Birthday...Dip, Chips, Cake, Ice Cream, Steak Kabobs, Chicken Kabobs...the works....Not for me...I stuck to my plan...Sure I could have had the chicken or steak...but it was not at my time...
3rd Test...Went to the mall last night and watched Emma eat an entire Ice Cream Cone...Usually she has trouble with cones and ends up leting parts melt and it starts to drip..Nope, not last night...It was as if she knew that Daddy could not help her, so she finished the whole freaking thing...
4th Test...This week at work...Everywhere I turned it must have been bring a dozen donuts to work day...a fritter here, a jelly filled there, and what's that...oh just a chocolate glazed....
It is not going to be easy and I look forward to implementing a free day into my week in the next few weeks...but I have to say I feel great...
I of course could not do it with out some important people:
*My co-workers who I have enlisted to watch my eating and to make sure I do not grab a donut.
*Emma who reminded me tonight that my flabby belly is getting smaller..
*Coach Tim, who has inspired many with his Triathlons but has pushed me to strive to be smaller and better..
* and Vanessa who though may tease me with a cookie across my nose or a comment on how good the cake tasted has started to adapt our suppers to meet my plans..Thank you honey.
What's next? The next 8 days...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Now we get SERIOUS!!!
Gotta say that I am pretty happy with the running I did on vacation...Ran almost everyday, and took in some great scenery...even if it was just corn and rolling hills...Running through my hometown brought back many childhood memories...
Then yesterday we arrived back in Washington...and now it is go time...Go time in the sense that I am now full in to the Marathon Training for the Marine Corps Marathon...Not only am I full in, I have enlisted the help of a coach...One that many of you are familiar with...My little brother Tim...The IronMan that he is has agreed to lend me his support and expertise...more for my eating...but support that I need none the less...
Today started that plan....I have till October 25..the day of the race to try and lose 40 pounds...or try to get down to 200 or less pounds..The funny thing is, I have no idea how much I weigh right now...It could be anywhere between 230 and 240...My lowest was right before we left Japan when I was at 220 for the first time since Senior year of HS...and not knowing usually would bother the living shit out of me...right now..it doesn't..which in itself is a huge victory...
My other motivation for the race and one that I will be asking all of your support shortly on is a charity that I have decided to run for...I have decided to run for "Team Hole in the Wall" This is the charity that Paul Newman started that sends children with Serious Illnesses to Camps around the world...I am required to raise $1500.00 dollars...My goal is $5000.00....You can link to my Team Hole in the Wall Web Page and donate via the following link(also listed in my favorites to the left)...or send a check directly to me which I will then deposit into the program...I have worked with children my whole life...and this gives me that much more incentive during my run....
(Once on the site, click on the Support Chris Link located above the picture of hands)
So there it is...the offical let's get serious...Below are some pics from the last race as well as vacation...Enjoy and thank you ahead of time for all of the suppor that you will provide me...You always do....
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Seattle Rock N Roll...So Close...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Father's Day = 1 More Week till Seattle Rock n Roll
a Happy Father's Day..We belong to an amazing fraternity...one that not all are a part of, but once you are, you understand how truly special it is to be a member...
Monday, June 15, 2009
That's more like it...
The next 1.5 was a little rougher...the biggest hill I have done in awhile...I was supposed to do this hill last year during the marathon training, but had been injured during that week of training...It was pretty brutal, however I maintained a good pace...and it will definitely come in handy in Seattle.
The next 1.5 was a steady downhill...Which felt great...sometimes I struggle going down the hills, this one felt alright...My last 2 miles were part of my regular route...so these came pretty easy...
So after 10 miles, I felt good and was happy with my time...1:32....I am going to be cutting it close in Seattle for the 2 hour mark.. but I will be very much aware of my time...
Going into the finaly two weeks of training, I am very thankful that I chose to switch to the half....it could have been ugly...
I am really feeling like I am peeking at the right time with my training...and that is a really good feeling in more way than one.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Feeling Good...
So my training has been going really well, I have been averaging between 20-28 miles per week for the last 3 weeks...and am currently on pace to break the 2 hour mark for the Half. The knee is feeling great, and I have started to be smarter with taking days off and resting my legs...It has helped...
So with 2 weeks to go before the Half in Seattle, overall feeling great and cannot wait...Also cannot wait for the day after when the family will be hopping on the plane for Iowa...We are looking forward to two weeks of fun with our families, while also taking in a race...
Monday, June 1, 2009
Brutal with a CAPITAL B....
At about 3 p.m. I set out for a 10 miler...a distance that should take me less than an hour and a half...Today it took me almost two full hours...not two full hours to run but two hours to keep myself in shape to run...
When I was in Japan running, I routinely ran in 80-90 degree heat....stayed hydrated etc. In the NW we very rarely ever even get hot and hot here is different...The temp may be 80 and that feels hot, since we are almost always at 50-60, so it seems.
So today it was "hot" and at mile 4 I had already gone through my fuel belt and was dragging ass. Combine that with my crappy lunch and snacking...At the 6.25 mark I finally got to a convenience station and filled up with G2, Water and more water...Combined I drank over 64 ounces and then started up again...Lets just say I dragged ass for the last 4....Thankfully my legs felt great...it was more my hydration, and energy...plus the 64 ounces that were now sitting in my gut....
So here I am about 15 minutes after the run, still cooling down, and feeling slowly better....
Lessons learned...Stay hydrated, eat right and do not get cocky....
One month till the half and the goal of breaking my personal best....After today I have never wanted it more and know that I need to be prepared and smart to do so....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
From a Parade to the Sox....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
What constitutes a night at "the office"
2 Manwiches
Movie Popcorn
Movie Lemonade(64+ Ounces)
Later, Later
Snickers Ice Cream Bar
4 Icee Thin Popsicles(Yep, those, the ones that cost like $5 for 6 million)
3 hours of pain....Lesson learned...and it is a good lesson...My body has changed...quit making it sick...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Being Safe....Being Smart....and Going to Do it...
So all of you that know me well, know that I can never just do something, there has to be something more. So the something more for this race will be breaking my PR for the half and finishing under 2 hours. This will be tough, but I AM GOING TO DO IT!!!!
I know this decision is going to make my Mom happy, and in reality I think I am finally starting to listen to her, my dad and my brother...
As I push forward over the next two months, I cannot wait till June 27th when I cross the finish line in under 2 hours...
It has dawned on me recently that I do many of the things I do, because I want to set and example for my children....I want them to be able to look at their dad when they get older and say WOW, look what our Dad did...and then hopefully it will inspire them to set their own goals...
Finally, I could not possibly accomplish what I do or will without the support of a loving wife...I love her more than she will ever know....Thanks Babe...
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Who would have thunk it....
So two weeks+ had passed since my last "real" run...The 16 miler that preceeded the Knee infection...2+ weeks later, and a total of 3 miles running and I was headed to Vancouver, Canada with the family for a weekend of fun, relaxation and maybe, just maybe being able to run part of the Half-Marathon I had signed up for months ago.
We headed up Friday night, and arrived in Vancouver around 9:00 p.m. The kids were spun up after a few pieces of licorice and would not go to sleep...Was this a sign of things to come...Only if your name is Camden Lee...
Saturday we awoke and if you were to ask Vanessa I was not the cheeriest Cheerio in the bowl. We headed to Stanley Park, the Aquarium and The Kids Market before heading out for dinner. Dinner to say the least was unenjoyable...Camden threw a fit beyond fits and I wolfed down my Pasta supper with the hopes that maybe, just maybe I could run in the morning. These thoughts of running are what made me un-fun...The wondering if I could or couldn't run...Would my knee hold up, my lungs, my legs...Who knew...3 miles in two weeks...It had been months since I had run that little...
So Sunday morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and prepared for the run...Nip Guards, Glide, Socks, Shoes, I-Pod, Running Briefs, the whole gammut...and for the first time since I have started running in races, walked to the starting line...The main reason of course for doing this was to help Vanessa. This way the kids could sleep in and they could catch up with me later at the finish...That is if I was so fortunate to indeed finish..
Our hotel was less than two miles from the hotel, so it was a really nice walk...The sunrise was beautiful and it was neat to walk beside other runners as we walked to the race. I wondered what kind of stories they had...What brought them here...Had they fought injuries...

I got to the finish line a half hour before the race...I turned on the Garmin watch and made sure it was set for KM's instead of miles...The race was in Canada...Love the metric system...Did not realize how much till the race began...
As I started stretching, I could not help but wonder what was going to happen over the next two+ hours...Would I make it a mile, 2 miles...or would I just collapse...That was my biggest fear...
Oh..I must mention, the day before at the Expo, I came across the medals for the finishers...and without a doubt I thought they were the coolest I had seen thus far in my race career...
Then it happened...The race began....The beginning was slow...What do you expect when there are 15,000 runners. This was perfect..It forced me to slow down...As the KM's passed I had no concept of how many miles I was running...Really I had no clue...but it sure seemed like it was going fast...21.1 KM's....that is not so bad...
The legs felt great, the body felt great, and HOLY @#$% the knee felt great...and I should know..I was looking down at it every KM...was it swelling, was it going to explode...Hell I had no clue...
So the first 10 KM were pretty uneventful...Yep thats right the first 10KM...I could not believe it myself...Then came the 14 KM mark...After an 8 minute stop at the potty...I know how long, because I stopped my timer....At this time I text messaged Vanessa and my Lil Brother Tim...Told them I only had 7 KM to go...and at that time it dawned on me...You are going to do it you SOB....
and I did....The last 7 are a pretty big blur, but I hurt when it was all said and done...Not my knee, but the rest of me...The parts of you that hurt after running normally...Just now they felt worse because it had been 2 weeks...2 weeks...2 weeks...I could not believe it...I did it...
After finishing, and getting my super bad ass medal...it dawned on me...Marathon 1 of the year on June 27th was now within reach...Hell yeah....Oh and my time was 2:22 without counting the potty break...2:31 counting it...and counting the first bathroom break, which I forgot to mention...oops...So that was an average of over 11 minute miles...Not great...but my goal was not to be Flash...my goal was to finish...Enjoy the pics...